Last newsletter of the year
Kinder World went live, we vetted hundreds of charities with the help of our amazing summer interns, launched our donation widget and already started collecting donations. I'm looking forward to 2019 and what it will bring us. In the meantime, instead of the classic newsletter I thought I would share some of my favourite storied from Kinder. Here are five stories that I loved reading:
1. If we want to solve the world's problems, we first need to abolish all borders
This is a very refreshing approach to thinking about global challenges we face as a species. It's about how there's no individual, even national solutions to problems like climate destruction. If we're going to fight this thing, we need to do it as a collective whole. The article suggests a very creative solution that's got to do with sending kids up to space (kind of). I don't want to ruin it by saying too much, better click above and read it on Kinder World.
2. 'Hi, I'm Rosa, I'm 14, and I'm worried formy generation'
This is a letter from 14-year-old Rosa in which she explains her fears for the future. It makes me worried about the planet we're leaving to our children. But the letter is also hope-inspiring because Rosa might be afraid but she's definitely defeated. She talks about working towards solutions, towards making the world a better place. It makes me proud of the generation of activists and do-gooders we're raising.
3. 5 reasons why veganism means much more than fighting for animal rights
There's a misconception about veganism that it's only about animal rights and making sure they don't get hurt or murdered. Sure, that's one aspect of veganism and a reason why many people go vegan but this article taught me that refusing to eat animal products also means taking a stand for your fellow humans and taking a stand for the living planet.
4. How Solarpunks saved the planet, a recap of history
Solarpunk is a literary genre, an aesthetic movement, and a way of living. It’s urban, lush, sustainable, and optimistic. Solarpunks believe that future civilisations can live in harmony with planet Earth again. We write quite a lot about Solarpunks on Kinder World but I think this is my favourite piece. It's a fictionalised history of the future told by a Solarpunk living in the year 2068.
5. The Ginger and The Vegan go zero-waste
Okay, I know this technically 30 articles instead of one but I'm cheating here a bit. I loved reading about Kinder's beloved Jas and Morgana's journey in trying to produce the minimum amount of waste possible for a whole month. I would suggest going ahead and reading through all of them because they are not only informative but also quite funny. Maybe you can pick up some zero-waste habits along the way, I know I did.
You can sign up for my newletter on Kinder World I share a weekly selection of things I found worthwhile reading on our platform.