Gever Tulley - Tinkering

Gever Tulley, doing what he loves.

Who is Gever Tulley?

Gever Tulley is an American writer, speaker, computer scientist, and founder of the Brightworks School and Tinkering School. His most recent work centers around the concept of students learning through building projects.
"As the boundaries of what we determine as the safety zone grow ever smaller, we cut off our children from valuable opportunities to learn how to interact with the world around them."

What does he love?

Gever Tulley says that when kids are given sharp tools and matches, their imaginations take off and they become better problem-solvers.
He's interested in helping kids learn how to build things, solve problems, use new materials and hack old ones for new purposes.  This post is part of my Inspiration Weekly 2015 resolution. The resolution aims to inspire others to chase their dreams and start doing what they love.   Check the Weeklies so far!

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